You want nothing but the best for your video production project. Etana specialized in providing top quality production for corporate videos, TV commercials, live events and professional video projects. Let Etana use the power of video and film to help deliver your message in a manner that is precise, entertaining and compelling. Whether you are seeking professional quality video production services, pre production services or post production services, the devoted team at Etana can create and deliver media that improves your bottom line.
Our post production department is tightly integrated with our other departments. Each of our post production sections has high-tech hardware and software including Final Cut Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator, Combustion, and Flash. The post production department would be useless without the talented people to operate the gear. Our Award winning Creative Director also supervises the post production department and insures all our artists and editors are on top of the latest design trends as well as being versed in classic design.